Maritime Air Veterans Association

of Canada

The Maritime Air Veterans Association is a veterans advocacy organization comprised of retired RCAF, RCN and CF maritime aviators and the technical, logistical and administrative personnel who supported maritime patrol operations during their careers. Its role is to provide fraternal comradeship and support and to advocate on issues that affect maritime air veterans.



None scheduled yet, check back soon.



407 Squadron Defends Sea Dragon Belt

SEA DRAGON 2022 ASW AIRCRAFT and CREWS For the second year in a row, a team from 407 Long Range Patrol Squadron at 19 Win g Comox, British Columbia, has shown itself to be a lethal submarine hunter. Operating over a training range near...



MAVA Attends Ceremonial Opening of 2017 Poppy Campaign

Her Excellency, the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General and Commander in Chief of Canada graciously consented to receive the First Poppy for the ceremonial opening of the 2017 Poppy Campaign. This presentation took place at...

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